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Up until recently, electronic regulators have only been available to suit pre war motorcycles alongside a 2 brush dynamo conversion.

The only way to get improved lights and charging on an old car was to fit an unsightly modern alternator to your vehicle.


However, all pre war cars and 3 wheelers can now benefit from electronic technology and keep their dynamos.


As the owner of a pre war car you can now have the same performance and reliability previously only available to post war dynamo equiped motorcycles.

As an owner and driver of only pre war machines I know that the only thing that let them down was their original winter/summer charging system.

Over charging, lights off and under charging, lights on.

All sounds familiar doesn't it!


The only permanent and reliable cure is the fitting of a high performing electronic regulator alongside a 2 brush conversion to the dynamo.

Nothing is changed externally but charging and lighting are now much improved.


Unlike a mechanical regulator or cutout, high performance and reliability come as standard with an electronic device.



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